Thursday, January 17, 2013

True freedom comes from knowing truth

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
--John 8:31-32
New International Version
There are few things more coveted than freedom.  People die for it.  People pray for it.  People strive for it.  True freedom comes from knowing truth.  Knowing truth only comes by living in obedience to Jesus.  Truth is not something you merely think about or believe. Truth is something you do, you live.  Jesus' teaching always ends with the exclamation: Blessed are you who do these things!  Only by doing will we ever know the truth that liberates us.

To the only true God be glory, honor, power, and praise. Father, I seek not only your presence in my daily life, but also your pleasure in the choices I make.  Please teach me more of your truth as I pledge to live today in obedience to your word and your will.  Through Jesus the living Word I pray. Amen.

He Anoints You with Oil

Today's Scripture:
…You anoint my head with oil…
Psalm 23:5, NKJV.

Today's Word:
In the Bible, oil is symbolic of the anointing of God. Do you know what oil does? It makes things flow. Whenever there is friction or something gets stuck, putting oil on it makes it become more fluid. That’s what God wants to do for you. He wants to anoint your head with oil. When He does that, notice what David says in Psalm 23, “Because God anoints me, because I walk in His favor; surely, goodness and mercy will follow me everywhere I go.”

Friend, God’s anointing makes things easier. People will go out of their way to be good to you for no reason. You’re going to have creativity, wisdom and good ideas. God’s anointing on your life will cause the right doors to open. It will bring the right people across your path. It will make things go smoother. And the good news is, all you have to do is ask Him for it. Remember, He longs to be good to you. You can trust that His anointing will make things easier, and He will lead you into the abundant life He has in store for you!

Prayer for Today:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your favor in my life today. Thank You for causing me to be at the right place at the right time. Anoint my head with Your oil so that I can move forward in the path You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Love, Defined by Action

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar.  For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And he has given us this command:  Whoever loves God must also love his brother."
--1 John 4:20-21
 New International Version
Love!  The word can mean anything.  Many in the Christian community have tried to define it by a dictionary or lexicon, not realizing the key word for love, agape, is defined by action. Before Christians got a hold of agape, it meant the same thing our word today does:  just about anything!  But if you read 1 John, you see what love is by what God does. God demonstrates his love. He asks us to do the same for our brothers and sisters. Love must be more than talk, it must be genuinely demonstrated in action!

Precious Father, you have so graciously shared your love with me.  I must confess, in my heart I intend to love others as you do, but my intentions often get washed away with "busy-ness" or timidity.  Father, through your Spirit, prompt me to show my love to others in actions rather than just thought and talk.  Through Jesus, your greatest demonstration of love I pray.  Amen.
Divine Appointments

Today's Scripture:
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9, NLT.

Today's Word:
There are some people that God has placed in your life to help you reach your destiny. They may not know you very well, but they may introduce you to someone or put in a good word for you with someone you need to be connected with. They may have wisdom or advice that will thrust you forward in life. We have to remember that these divine appointments have been orchestrated by God Almighty. Divine appointments aren’t always the people you would expect. In fact, oftentimes they are the people you don’t expect—a woman at the grocery store, an intern at the office, someone who may seem to be less influential. But, God can give anyone an idea. God can use anyone to make a connection. We should always be open to receive from others. We should always treat everyone we encounter with dignity, honor and respect. You never know who God is going to use in your life. So be open, be loving, be kind and sow good seeds that will open the doors to His divine appointments!

Prayer for Today:
Father, thank You for ordering my steps. Thank You for divine appointments that keep me on the right path. Help me to discern the opportunities You have placed in front of me and see clearly Your hand guiding me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Monday, January 14, 2013

A message of reconciliation

God has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
--2 Corinthians 5:19-20
New International Version
The price has been paid.  The ransom is provided.  God's judgment was averted, not because of anything we did to appease him, but by his own sacrifice of Jesus for our sins.  If God has gone to such great lengths to reconcile us to himself and adopt us into his family, how can we refuse?  We must not! Father God, we offer you our hearts!

O Gracious God, I know my sin has broken your heart and offended your holiness.  Words, therefore, cannot communicate my thankfulness to you.  You were hurt by my sin and yet provided a sacrifice to redeem me from it and reconcile me to you.  I praise you for your grace, thank you for your love, and promise to share your mercy.  Through Jesus my sacrifice I pray.  Amen.
The Journey of Preparation

Today's Scripture:
A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9, NKJV.

Today's Word:
Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to prepare us for what He has in store next. Scripture tells us that He’ll even take the things the enemy tries to bring against us and turn them around and use them for our good. He is always leading us on a journey of preparation.

That’s why it’s so important to keep our eyes focused on Him. We have to trust that when we are submitted to Him—even if we don’t understand—He is ordering our steps. If something is not happening on your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my best interest at heart. God is preparing me.” While you’re waiting, don’t make the mistake of trying to figure everything out. If you’re constantly trying to figure things out, that will only frustrate you. Turn it over to God. Declare, “God, my times are in Your hands. I’m not going to worry because I trust that You are leading me on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me.”

Prayer for Today:
Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I trust that You are leading and guiding me. I trust that You are preparing me for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

We are One

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
--Galatians 3:26-29
New International Version
One.  Basic, simple, and easy to understand.  When we become Christians through faith and baptism into Christ, we are made one with all other Christians around the world.  Race, gender, and social status are gone.  All that's left is One, the One, Jesus. Our lives are his and thus are connected to each other.
 Our destination is the same, heaven.  Our family is the church.  No barriers.  No closed doors.  We are one.

Abba Father, thank you for adopting me into your family. May we be one earth now, as we will be when we are all together round your throne in heaven.  I pray for unity among all those who call upon your name and share your Spirit so the world may know there is a solution to conflict, strife and division. Through Jesus our Savior, I pray.  Amen.
Promotion Comes from the Lord

Today's Scripture:
For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up. But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another.
Psalm 75:6-7, AMP.

Today's Word:
Have you ever noticed that people tend to act differently around those they think can do something for them—people who appear to have status, wealth or influence in life? I believe that the way we treat people is a test. At times, God will bring people across your path that may seem insignificant. They may not appear to be able to do anything for you, but in reality, they are divinely linked to your destiny. They hold the key to your promotion and increase. Will you treat them with respect and honor even if you think they can’t do anything for you?

The truth is that the people we’re playing up to or trying to win their favor may be the ones that open a door for us, but they don’t hold the key to our destiny. Promotion doesn’t come from them. Promotion comes from God. And, God will use the most unlikely people to open doors of opportunity for you—a hotel bellman, a maid, an intern, or an unpopular kid at school. Let’s pass the test and treat everyone like Jesus put them in our path because He probably did. Remember, God is watching and promotion comes from Him.

Prayer for Today:
Father, thank You for promotion. Thank You for ordering my steps and leading me on the right path. Today I choose to honor and respect everyone, and in turn, I choose to honor You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Freedom from Distress

In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free.  The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me?
--Psalm 118:5-6
New International Version
The beginning of the year has been a trying time for people I care about.  Maybe it's been that way for you or those you love.  My prayer for you, and for them, is that they may know the comfort of God's presence. Whether it's the popular little poem "Footprints" or the familiar "Yea though I walk through the shadow of death, thou art with me," the presence of the Lord is absolutely vital to standing up against our anguish! The Lord does long to be with us, especially at those moments when we feel most alone.  He told us that by experiencing it himself at the cross.

I am thankful, O God, that you refused to be God from a safe distance.  Because you came and felt what it was like to be abandoned, forsaken, and alone, I know  I can trust that I will never be forsaken by you. Please give me a clearer sense of your presence with me in my life today, I pray through Jesus. Amen.
Let God Arise

Today's Scripture:
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered…
Psalm 68:1, NKJV.

Today's Word:
What are you letting arise in your life today? In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, Joel, it’s just so hard right now. I’ve lost some money.” “My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rise up. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “God is still in control. Somebody may have walked out on me, I may be hurting right now, but I know God is the Restorer of my soul.” “I may have lost money in the stock market, but I’m not worried. I know God is my provider. He is supplying all of my needs. He is fighting my battles.”

When you start giving God glory and letting Him arise in your life, you can’t stay defeated. Your enemies will be scattered! They’ll tremble at your words of faith. Begin right now by declaring God’s goodness in your life and let Him arise so that you can move forward in the victory He has for you!

Prayer for Today:
Father in heaven, I repent right now for allowing any negative, self-defeating thoughts or attitudes rise up in my life. You alone are my God, and I put my trust in You. I bless You today and choose to look for the good things You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Friday, January 11, 2013

"Stained Glass Ghetto"

Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written:  "Be holy, because I am holy."
--1 Peter 1:15-16
New International Version
"Holy" is one of those words we generally associate with the "stained glass ghetto" -- a word only "church folks" use.  That may be true, but it's still a great concept.  Every kid knows that you don't eat hot dogs and potato chips on china.       Mom's china is reserved for "special company" or "special occasions."  Hot dogs are for paper plates and every day, china is for special events.  When God is calling us to be holy, he's calling us to be china -- something special just for him, and as Peter emphasizes, just like him.

Holy Lord, God Almighty, I come before you knowing how great the distance is between your holiness and my commonness.  I thank you for making me holy through the sacrifice of Jesus and by sending your Holy Spirit to live inside of me.  Please receive my life today as a holy offering to you.  Through Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith I pray.  Amen.
Run Your Race

Today's Scripture:
…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…
Hebrews 12:1-2, NKJV.

Today's Word:
It’s easy to be tempted to go through life competing with everyone around us. When we see someone who’s more talented, better looking or has more gifts, instead of running our race and being comfortable with who we are, oftentimes we feel inferior and think, “I’ve got to catch up to them.” The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle.

There will always be someone ahead of us. But, it’s a very freeing thing when you realize, “I’m not competing with you. I don’t have to have as big a house as my neighbor to feel good about myself. I don’t have to keep up with my co-worker. I don’t have to be a certain size. No, I understand that I’m not in competition with my friend, my neighbor or my co-worker. Instead, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.” Friend, that’s an attitude God can work with. When you focus on being who God made you to be, that’s when you’ll rise up higher and position yourself for every spiritual blessing He has in store for you!

Prayer for Today:
Father, I humbly come to You giving You all that I am. I choose to keep my eyes on You and allow You to work in my heart and mind. I declare that I am free from competition today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Investment without Risk

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
--Matthew 6:19-20
New International Version
Where do you hide your heart?  What we most value is where we will find our heart.  So it is an important question.  You see, we can treasure riches, control, security, relationships, and even church.  Jesus comes to remind us that it is only by turning loose of the things that most of us keep as our treasures that we find what is truly treasure.

Majestic Father, I pray that out of the riches of your grace, you may help me find my treasure in you and nothing else.  Today, I want to offer you all that I am and have to your glory.  Through Jesus my example and Savior I pray.  Amen.

…but Jesus refused to answer.
Luke 23:9, NLT.

Today's Word:
In scripture, many times people would come against Jesus and criticize Him. Many times it says, “Jesus answered them not a word.” He simply didn’t respond to His critics. He didn’t try to convince them to change their minds. He didn’t get upset because somebody was talking about Him. No, He just ignored it.

When people come against you and they’re jealous, trying to make you look bad, trying to discourage you, remember you’re in good company! Jesus was probably criticized more than anyone else. I love the fact that He didn’t try to explain Himself. He didn’t try to make everyone understand Him. He just stayed focused on what He was called to do. He simply ran His race.

Friend, Jesus set the example for you and me. We don’t have to try to win the approval of others. We have to understand that not everyone is going to understand us. Our focus should be on following God’s leading and let Him order our steps. The next time someone criticizes you, remember the example of Jesus. Overlook it, don’t get offended, and keep moving forward in the destiny God has for you!

Prayer for Today:
Father, today I release every person who has criticized me or tried to discourage me. I choose to forgive them; I choose to turn away from that distraction. I choose to focus on You and the blessings You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God longs to be with you!!!

Seek good, not evil, that you may live.  Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.  Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts.
--Amos 5:14-15
New International Version
A whole bunch of folks claim that God is on their side.  In reality, that's not important at all.  The real question is whether we are on God's side!  That's determined more by what we seek and do rather than what we say and believe.  God longs to be with us, but he will not sacrifice his character to extend us cheap grace, a grace that does not call us to be like him.  He's looking for believers who put their character where their mouth is.

Most Holy God.  Your righteousness and holiness are beyond me and my ability to attain.  Yet I long, dear Father, to be more like you in every way humanly possible.  Let me know of your presence with me as I seek  you and your character in my life.  Through Jesus the Righteous One I pray.  Amen.

But some scoundrels said, ‘How can this fellow save us?’ They despised him and brought him no gifts. But Saul kept silent.
1 Samuel 10:27, NIV.

Today's Word:
In scripture, King Saul had some people come against him. They were making fun of him. He could have easily become distracted and lost his focus. He could have defended himself saying, “I’m a good leader. I have what it takes.” But what did he do? He kept silent. One translation says, “He paid them no mind.”

Friend, sometimes that’s what you have to do when people are coming against you. You have to realize that some people are just jealous. Not everyone is going to have your best interest at heart. But don’t let them control your destiny. Don’t let them distract you from God’s best. Instead of playing up to people or trying to win over all your critics, keep your eyes focused on what God has for you. Spend time with people who see what God is doing in you. Focus on those who will celebrate you. Ignore the critics so you can be all that God has called you to be.

Prayer for Today:
Father, today I keep my heart and mind focused on You. I choose to ignore the naysayers. I choose to turn away from critical voices. I declare by faith that I will accomplish the plan You have for me as I daily put You first in everything that I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sincere Form Of Flattery

Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
--Ephesians 5:1-2
 New International Version

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.  If we are to sincerely flatter God by being like him, imitation may be the most costly form of flattery as well.  You see, love for God is never something that occurs just in our minds or our hearts.  Love is something we do for another -- it is action. John said in 1 John 4 that we must love in both our deeds and our words.  Love means to give ourselves up -- what we want, our rights, our desires -- to honor God and serve others.  This is a kind of love that can change the world, or a marriage, or a family.

Abba Father, I will never fully understand how you could love me so much that you would allow your son to die for me as my sacrifice.  Please help me love others sacrificially.  I know the power to do this is not within me, so please pour your love into my heart so that I may share that love with others. Through Jesus, my brother and my sacrifice, I pray.  Amen.

“So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him.”
(Acts 11:2, NIV)

One time Jesus was in the temple. It was on the Sabbath, their day of rest. He saw a man with a withered hand. Jesus simply said, “Stretch forth your hand,” and immediately the man was healed. The religious leaders, the Pharisees, were there and didn’t like Jesus. Even though He did something great, they ridiculed Him for doing it on the Sabbath, the day of rest.

Some people, no matter what you do, are not going to be for you. Even if you changed, met all their demands and did everything they asked, they would still find something wrong. I’ve learned that we can all save a lot of heartache and pain by learning to ignore those critical voices. You don’t need those people’s approval. You don’t have to have them cheering you on. They may try to make you look bad, but if you will stay on the high road and let God fight your battles, the more they talk the more God will bless you. They may try to take you down, but God will use it to take you up. Keep focused on your future, keep focused on the Word, and let His truth strengthen you to ignore the critics and move forward into the life of blessing He has prepared for you!
Father, today I set my heart and focus on You. I choose to ignore the critical voices that would try to distract me from Your plan. Help me to forgive those who come against me and always walk in love so that I can honor You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Monday, January 7, 2013

Prepare Your Minds For Action

Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
--1 Peter 1:13
New International Version

When Jesus came the first time, he came to reveal God (John 1:18).  As wonderful, powerful, and gracious as he was in his earthly ministry, it did not fully reveal Jesus our Lord.  Our hope is tied to his return.  When he comes this time, he won't come to reveal God, but to reveal himself -- the conquering Lord, the Rider on the white horse.  Every knee will bow.  And we will see him as he really and fully is, Immanuel in power and grace.  With this as our hope,  we can be ready for active service to our king as people who live their lives under his leadership and control.

O Almighty God, I long for the day when I get to see Jesus face to face coming with the angels in power.  Until that time, fasten my heart in hope to the glory Jesus will share with me on that day, and please empower me to live as one who knows that victory is mine in Jesus.  Jesus, through your powerful name I pray.  Amen.

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!”
(1 Chronicles 16:34, AMP)

What you dwell on is what you will draw into your life. We can either focus on our problems, or we can focus on our blessings. The question is: do you want more problems, or do you want more blessings?

One thing I’ve noticed is that when you live with an attitude of constant gratitude, not only do you thank God for what He’s done in your life, you start thanking Him for what He will do in your life. You thank Him for opening doors for you in the future. You thank Him for increasing you. You thank Him for bringing the right people into your life. When we say “Thank You” to God for the things that are coming, it’s really a declaration of our faith in Him. It’s like saying in essence, “God, I’m so sure of Your goodness, I’m so sure that You’re working in my life that I’m going to thank You right now for what You are going to do tomorrow!”

Friend, that’s the kind of faith that pleases God. He wants us to trust in His goodness and believe that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He delights in seeing our faith. He delights in an attitude of gratitude. Today, let your faith say thank you. Praise Him throughout the day with a humble heart and watch what He will do on your behalf!

Father in heaven, thank You for another day to praise You. Thank You for all You have done in my life. Help me to see Your hand of blessing as I continually acknowledge and praise Your name in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

True Faith

Stop doing wrong, learn to do right!  Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.  Defend the cause of the fatherless.
--Isaiah 1:16-17
New International Version
Do you find it easy to replace service to those in need with religious rituals?  I know I do!  But God wants us to not get so caught up in talking about him and celebrating his deeds, that we forget we're supposed to care for others like he does. Whether it is Jesus defining his ministry in Luke 4:18-19 or James talking about the kind of piety that pleases God (1:26-27), we must realize true faith is treating others as God would. Today's verse defines what God does and asks us to live the same.

O Great God of all comfort, open my eyes today to see those who need your love and give me the attentiveness, time, and compassion to serve them.  May Jesus' work be seen in my life today.   Amen.

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ...”
(2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God promises to always lead us into victory? That means no matter what is going on in your life today, no matter what’s happening in the world around you, no matter what anybody says, you should always be thanking God because victory is always on the way!

You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to celebrate what God is going to do in your life. Praise is putting action behind your faith. In the middle of adversity or a tough time, start making a list of who you’re going to invite to your victory celebration. That means if you’re in the hospital, start planning what you’re going to do when you get out. If you lost some money when the stock market went down, start planning your coming-out-of-debt party. When things don’t look good in the natural, remember, we serve a supernatural God. With God leading you into victory, you can always plan for increase. You can plan for restoration. You can plan for a comeback, and you can plan for victory because He is leading and guiding you in Jesus’ name!

Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. Give me Your vision for the future so that I can move confidently into the abundant life You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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