Wednesday, March 14, 2012


He . . . sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. —Isaiah 40:22
Question: When is a bird bigger than a mountain? Answer: When the bird is closer than the mountain.
In reality, the bird is not bigger than the mountain, but it sure looks that way when the feathery fellow is perched on my window ledge and the mountain is far away in the distance.
Sometimes we perceive God this way in relationship to our problems. The troubles facing us seem huge because they are so close—like a big black bird with beady eyes and a sharp beak waiting for a smaller animal’s weariness to turn into helplessness so it can devour it. At such times, God seems as far away as a distant mountain, and we perceive Him as being small and unreachable.
The prophet Isaiah changes our perspective by asking these rhetorical questions: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?” (40:12). The Lord “gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength” (v.29).
Just as a bird is never bigger than a mountain, no problem is ever bigger than God. It’s all a matter of changing our perspective.
The problems that we face each dayCan seem too much to bearUntil we turn our eyes to ChristAnd trust His tender care. —Sper
We worship a God who is greater than our greatest problem.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”
(Galatians 6:9, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
I read that back in the 1800’s some explorers were going across a huge desert and didn’t bring enough water. They started digging at different spots underneath the surface about a foot or two trying to find water. They ended up losing their lives in the desert because of a lack of water. Many years later, it was discovered that there was water right there where they had lost their lives about three feet underground. If they would have just dug down a little bit further, they would have found the water and saved their lives.
The same principle is true when you’re in a dry season and not getting any good breaks, business is slow, or you’re struggling in a relationship. It’s easy to think, “This is never going to change. I’m never going to see my dreams come to pass.” No, just like those early explorers, water is there. Provision is there. You just have to dig down a little bit deeper. If you will shake off the self-pity, shake off what didn’t work out, shake off the complacency and turn up your praise, you’ll soon tap in to the blessing and provision He has prepared for you!
Father God, thank You for Your provision and blessing in my life. I know that You are making a way even when I don’t see a way. Help me to stand strong in You so that I may see the harvest of blessing You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

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