Sunday, March 3, 2013

Secured Investment, Immovable and Unstealable!

I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
--Psalm 59:16
New International Version

So many things in our lives can be stolen away by natural disasters, aging, and death.  Satan could be appropriately called "The Thief of Always."  But God is immovable and unstealable!  We can invest ourselves in him and know our spirits are secure in his care.  He is a fortress and a refuge.

O Great Rock of my salvation, thank you for being unchangeable and faithful.  Thank you for being the source of security and future in a day of chaos and change.  Thank you for being God. You are my God and in you I place my life, my hopes, and my future.  May you be glorified in me today.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.
Blessed Based On God’s Goodness

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “I have heard the complaints of the children of Israel. Speak to them, saying, ‘At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread. And you shall know that I am the Lord your God.’”
Exodus 16:11–12

Many years ago, when I was studying God’s Word, the Lord spoke to me, saying, “Before the law was given, none of the children of Israel died when they came out of Egypt. Even though they murmured and complained against God’s appointed leadership, not a single one of them died. This is a picture of pure grace.” I had never heard anyone teach this before or read it in any book, so I quickly went through that portion in my Bible and indeed, I could not find anyone who died before the law was given!

You see, when the Israelites journeyed from Egypt to Mount Sinai, they were under the Abrahamic covenant of grace. They only came under the law when the Ten Commandments were given to them at Mount Sinai. Therefore, in spite of their sins, God delivered them out of Egypt and provided for them supernaturally, not based on their goodness and faithfulness, but based on His goodness and faithfulness.

Beloved, the good news for you and me is this: Today, we are under the new covenant of grace (unmerited favor), and God’s unmerited favor is upon us. Therefore, His blessings and provisions for us are based entirely on HIS GOODNESS and HIS FAITHFULNESS. Hallelujah!
By: Joseph Prince

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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