Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ceremonial Meal

Reflection on Exodus13:3–10
The spiritual truths that God wants to ensure are never forgotten are often memorialized in a ceremony—frequently involving a meal. The Passover meal and the Festival of Unleavened Bread are filled with symbolism designed to commemorate the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt. God never wanted the people of Israel to forget what he had done for them. The New Testament counterpart is the Lord’s Supper, in which believers eat a ceremonial meal (also filled with Passover symbolism) to commemorate the deliverance of God’s people from sin. When we observe communion, we celebrate a meal that has been observed in unbroken succession for two thousand years.
The boastful pride of life is not from the Father, but is from the world
The third channel of temptation is at the heart of the New Age Movement: the temptation to direct our own destiny, to rule our own world, to be our own god. Satan tantalized Eve concerning the forbidden fruit: "The day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:5). Satan's offer was an exaggerated appeal to our God-instilled propensity to rule. "Don't be satisfied ruling under God," he seemed to say, "when you have the potential to be like God." When Eve was convinced that "the tree was desirable to make one wise" (Gen 3:6), she and Adam ate.
Satan's promise that the couple would become like God was nothing more than a lie. When Adam and Eve yielded to his temptation, they didn't become the gods of this world as he claimed they would. Instead, they fell from their position of rulership with God, and Satan became the god of this world by default--exactly as he had planned.
Satan tried the same ploy with Jesus: "All [the kingdoms of the world and their glory] will I give You, if You fall down and worship me" (Matthew 4:9). When you think about it, Satan's offer was pretty ridiculous. Why would Jesus be tempted to worship Satan in exchange for the world when He already owned the universe? So He replied, "Begone, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and serve Him only'" (Matthew 4:10).
The temptation of the pride of life is intended to steer us away from the worship of God and destroy our obedience to God by urging us to become our own god. Whenever you feel that you don't need God's help or direction, that you can handle your life without consulting Him, that you don't need to bow the knee to anyone, beware: That's the pride of life. Whenever you stop worshipping and serving God, you are in reality worshipping and serving Satan--which is what he wants more than anything else. Instead, your life should be characterized by worshipful humility and obedience to God (1 Peter 5:5-11; John 15:8-10).
Prayer: Father, help me resist the temptation to be more than You have called me to be when I wrongfully assume Your role as captain of my soul.


Keep the Damage Contained

If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
Matthew 18:15
New International Version
The right thing is so hard to do sometimes. It is so much easier to gossip, to mention another's wrong against us in a prayer with others, to pass around innuendo. But only one thing is the right thing to do! Go to the person who has wronged you and try to keep the damage contained to just the two of you.
Lord God Almighty, forgive my foolish and selfish ways. Through your Spirit, help me to be as forgiving as you are. Give me courage to lovingly confront those who have sinned against me, but if I cannot bring reconciliation, help me to forgive as you have forgiven me. Through Jesus, the atoning sacrifice for sin I pray. Amen.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest”
(Exodus 14:14, AMP)
In life, we’re always going to have critics. We’ll always have difficult people who try to upset us and steal our peace and joy. But, you don’t have to respond to every critic. You can decide to take the high road and let God fight your battles for you.
Sometimes, no matter what you say or do, there are people who aren’t going to accept you. They just don’t want to be at peace with you. In fact, when Jesus sent out His disciples to certain homes, He told them to always speak peace over those homes. And then He said in effect, “If they don’t receive the peace that you’re offering, then it will come back to you.” That tells me that if you will do your best to be at peace with people, even if they won’t take your peace, the good news is that peace will just come back to you. You’ll not only get your peace, but you’ll get their share as well! That’s double for your trouble! When you do the right thing no matter what is happening, God sees it and rewards it. Today, stay in peace, cease from strife, and take the high road. Sow good seeds into others and watch the harvest of blessing come to your own life in return.
Father in heaven, I choose to hold my peace. I choose to do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening. I trust that You are fighting my battles for me. I give You all the honor and praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

False gods

Reflection on Exodus 9:1–10:29
Water turned to blood? Frogs and gnats? Boils and hail? Total darkness? These plagues, starting in chapter 7, seem strange to us and foreign to our experience. But they weren’t chosen at random. Though we might not always be able to discern it, the God of omniscience does nothing without design. In fact, as we look closer at the various plagues, we see that they struck at the heart of the many gods worshiped by the Egyptians, directly undermining the credibility of various false deities.
Today we make into gods things like wealth, power, beauty, talent and intelligence. There’s nothing wrong with these things, but when we worship them, they become cruel masters. God redirects us back to love for him above all else.

1 John 2:16
The lust of the eyes . . . is not from the Father, but is from the world
The second channel of temptation through which Satan came to Adam and Eve related to his lie concerning the consequences of disobeying God. God had said that death would accompany disobedience, but Satan said, "You surely shall not die!" (Genesis 3:4). He was appealing to Eve's sense of self-preservation by falsely assuring her that God was wrong on the issue of sin's consequences. "Don't listen to Him; do what's right in your own eyes," he urged. The forbidden fruit was a delight to her eyes (verse 6), so she and Adam ignored God's command in order to do what appeared to serve their own best interests.
The lust of the eyes subtly draws us away from the Word of God and eats away at our confidence in God. We see what the world has to offer and desire it above our relationship with God. We begin to place more credence in our own perspective of life than in God's commands and promises. Fueled by the lust for what we see, we grab for all we can get, believing that we need it and deceived that God wants us to have it. Wrongly assuming that God will withhold nothing good from us, we lustfully claim prosperity.
Instead of trusting God wholeheartedly, we adopt a "prove it to me" attitude. That was the essence of Satan's second temptation of Jesus: "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down [from the pinnacle of the temple]" (Matthew 4:6). But Jesus wasn't about to play Satan's "show me" game. He replied, "It is written, 'You shall not put the LORD your God to the test'" (verse 7).
God is under no obligation to us; He is under obligation only to Himself. There is no way you can cleverly word a prayer so that God must respond to it. That not only distorts the meaning of prayer but puts us in the position of God. The righteous shall live by faith in the written Word of God and not demand that God prove Himself in response to our whims or wishes, no matter how noble they may be. We are the ones being tested, not God.
Prayer: Forgive me, Father, for the times I have listened to the enemy's lies and tried to meet my needs the way I saw fit. You are God, not me. I look to You to supply all my needs in Your own way.


Liberated from Law

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death.
Romans 8:1-2
New International Version
"Free at last, free at last, praise Lord God Almighty I am free at last." Becoming a Christian means we have been liberated from law-keeping. We now have God living in us, through the Holy Spirit, to not only help us know his will, but to live it. Through the Spirit's power, we can do what no law could make us do: live up to God's standards of righteousness.
Gracious father, thank you for all of your gifts to me. Today, I want to especially thank you for liberating me from law and empowering me with your Spirit. Fill me and empower me today with your Spirit as I live my life for you. Through Jesus my Lord I pray. Amen.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”
(Matthew 6:27, NIV)
Is there something that you are worrying about today? To worry means to allow something to revolve in your mind over and over again. God doesn’t want you to live worried or anxious about anything. He knows that worry steals your peace and joy. It affects every area of your life. Have you heard the saying, “Don’t worry yourself sick?” That’s because worrying affects your physical body. It affects your sleep. You won’t ever gain anything by worrying; in fact, you’ll lose precious moments that you can never get back again. The good news is that God has promised that you can have victory over worry. It starts by making the choice to trust in Him. When you cast your cares on Him, He will give you His peace.
Decide today to put an end to worry in your life. Choose to feed your faith and fill your mind with God's promises. As you focus on God’s Word, you’ll drive out worry and fill your heart with faith and expectancy; and you’ll be empowered to move forward into the life of blessing He has in store for you!
Heavenly Father, today I choose to put an end to worry in my life. I choose to feed my faith by studying Your promises and declaring Your Word over my life. Help me to totally trust in You today and every day in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Final Act Of Intimacy

Reflection on Exodus 6:2–3
As God revealed his plans to the patriarchs and matriarchs in the Bible, he became more intimate with his people. For example, God made himself known as El-Shaddai, God Almighty, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (see Genesis 17:1; 28:3; 35:11). Later he told Moses his covenant name: Yahweh—“The LORD” (see Exodus 3:15 ). In the Gospels, God becomes even more personal when the Son of God becomes incarnate in Jesus. And in Acts and the epistles we discover that God comes to live in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Throughout history, God has revealed more of himself to people. The final act of intimacy will be when he brings us home. Then we can fellowship with him face to face forever.
The lust of the flesh . . . is not from the Father, but is from the world
Satan first approached Eve through the channel of the lust of the flesh. He planted a doubt in her mind about the fruit of the tree when he said: "Has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1). Eve answered, "God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it'" (Gen 3:3). But Satan had piqued her appetite for the forbidden fruit, and she "saw that the tree was good for food" (Gen 3:6). Yielding to the lust of the flesh contributed to Adam and Eve's downfall.
Satan also challenged Jesus through the channel of the lust of the flesh. Our lord had been fasting for 40 days when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness at the point of His apparent vulnerability: "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread" (Matthew 4:3). Satan is not omniscient, but he's not blind either. He learned about Jesus' apparent vulnerability to physical temptation by watching Him go without food for 40 days. He's watching you too, looking for soft spots of vulnerability in your appetites for food, rest, comfort and sex. Temptation is greatest when hunger, fatigue and loneliness are acute.
The temptation of the lust of the flesh is designed to draw us away from the will of God to serve the flesh (Galatians 5:16, 17). When Satan tempts you through the channel of the lust of the flesh, he will invite you to fulfill your needs in ways that are outside the boundary of God's will. Whenever you feel enticed to meet a legitimate need by acting independently of God, you are being tempted through the lust of the flesh.
When you resist the temptations of the lust of the flesh, you are declaring your dependence on God for your needs. As such you are remaining "in the vine," tapping into the resources Jesus referred to in John 15:5. But when you yield to temptation in this area, your fruitfulness as a Christian will suffer because apart from Christ you can do nothing.
Prayer: You are a strong, fruit vine, Lord, and I will not wither as long as I remain in You. Strengthen me today to resist the temptation to meet my needs apart from You.


Graceful Words

Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:5-6
New International Version
There are no random acts of kindness, only intentional acts given the opportunity to happen. This is true not just in deeds, but in words as well. But more than trying to avoid poor speech, we are urged to use our speech to bless and help others to come to know Christ.
Father, forgive me for the careless words I have uttered this week. I understand that these careless words are twice sins -- a sin once when I committed it and a sin a second time because I didn't see the opportunity to be redemptive. Open my eyes Lord so that I may see what you have placed in my path. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
“Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out”
(Proverbs 17:14, NIV)
Too often, people fall into the trap of strife. Someone says something that rubs you the wrong way, and before you know it, there is tension, quarreling and division. The Bible tells us that strife opens the door to “every evil work.” It’s the enemy’s greatest trap to keep people from living in victory. But you don’t have to fall into the trap of strife, you can rise above it. Like today’s verse says, you can simply drop the matter before it turns into something bigger than it needs to be. You don’t have to sink down to somebody’s level and argue with them and try to prove that you’re right. You weren’t put on this earth to correct everybody around you.
If you are going to be all that God’s called you to be, you have to learn to stay above strife. Instead of letting disagreements pull your relationships apart, look for common ground to draw you closer to the people in your life. Look for peace. Look for ways to be a blessing. Stay above strife so you can enjoy your relationships and experience the blessing He has for you!
Heavenly Father, I choose to stay above strife. I choose to honor You by seeking peace in my relationships. Empower me to walk in love and be an example of Your light everywhere I go in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Monday, May 28, 2012

A fulfilled Promise

Reflection on Exodus 2:1–10
In response to Pharaoh’s plan to kill the newborn Hebrew boys, God put into motion the selection of Moses as a deliverer. God had promised that the Israelites would return to the promised land (see Genesis15:13–16), and whatever he promises, he accomplishes.
God promises us many things that may seem remote or unlikely. But if God makes a promise, he will fulfill it, regardless of how bleak circumstances look now. He is working out his purposes in our lives, conforming us to the image of his Son, giving us opportunities to bear much fruit and answering our prayers. He has spoken all of these things, and he will do them. God will always honor his word.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
You will be better prepared to resist temptation in your life when you realize that, according to the Scriptures, there are only three channels through which Satan will entice you to act independently of God. They are summarized in John's instructions to believers concerning our relationship to this world: "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. And the world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John 2:15-17).
The three channels of temptation are the lust of the flesh , the lust of the eyes , and the pride of life . The lust of the flesh preys on our physical appetites and their gratifications in this world. The lust of the eyes appeals to self-interest and tests the Word of God. The pride of life stresses self-promotion and self-exaltation. Satan confronted both the first Adam and the last Adam through each of these three channels of temptation.
Notice how Satan used precisely those three channels to deceive Eve: "When the woman saw that the tree was good for food [lust of the flesh], and that it was a delight to the eyes [lust of the eyes], and that the tree was desirable to make one wise [pride of life], she took from its fruit and ate" (Genesis 3:6).
The first Adam failed miserably and we still suffer the results of his failure. But the last Adam--Jesus Christ--met Satan's threefold temptation head-on and succeeded triumphantly. In Him we have the resources and the power to conquer every temptation Satan throws at us.
Prayer: Dear God, please tear down any pride or self-deception I may have concerning Satan's strategies of temptation. I know I can never become complacent about spiritual warfare.


You are not Alone

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
New International Version
Where does your heart live? That's what these verses are all about. Is there a constant awareness in your life that God is present? Is he the unseen but always present companion in all your ups and downs? Or is God here when it is convenient and gone when things are busy? Joy comes from knowing we are never alone. Prayer is the ongoing conversation we have, Spirit to Spirit, with God. Thanksgiving is the great reminder that we have been blessed no matter what the circumstances may suggest.
Precious and Righteous Father, thank you for being there. Give me a deeper appreciation and a always more profound awareness of your presence today. May my life reflect the joy you have given me by saving me by grace. And may my heart always find its home in you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

“It is an honor for a man to cease from strife...”
(Proverbs 20:3, KJ
In life, many of the challenges we face are simply distractions from the enemy to keep us from pursuing our destiny. Maybe someone in the office isn’t as friendly to you as you’d like. Maybe you have a neighbor who always parks in front of your house and blocks your mailbox. Those things may be frustrating, but they have little significance when you look at the big picture of eternity. You can’t allow the little things to cause strife in your life.
In scripture, just before David fought the giant Goliath, his brother Iliab tried to confront him. But David knew that arguing with Iliab wasn’t even worth his time and strength. He knew his real battle was with Goliath, and he didn’t want to be distracted. He simply “turned away” from Iliab and kept his focus on what he was called to do.
Let’s follow the example of David and keep our eyes on what’s most important in life. Instead of being led away by frustrations, let’s focus on the big picture. Know when to turn away from strife and receive the mark of honor the Lord has for you!
Father God, thank You for Your hand of victory in my life. Give me the wisdom and courage I need to walk away from strife so I can focus on the destiny You have prepared for me. I love You and bless You today and always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Road to Destiny

Reflection on Genesis 50:15–23
God’s will is often fulfilled in strange ways. Joseph’s dreams as a teenager indicated that he would rule over his brothers. Little could he have imagined that the road to his destiny would include their trying to kill him and then selling him into slavery, his spending time in prison, and eventually his rule in the nation of Egypt. Those experiences built into Joseph the character qualities and the wisdom he needed for his calling. God works the same way preparing us for our calling. He uses our circumstances and experiences to shape us into the person he wants us to be.

I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one
First John 2:12-14 describes three levels of Christian growth in relation to sin. The first level is compared to "little children" (verse 12). Little children in the faith are characterized by having their sins forgiven and possessing a knowledge of God. In other words, they are in the family of God and have overcome the penalty of sin, but they haven't grown to full maturity.
The second level is "young men" (verses 13, 14), those who have overcome the evil one. These are aggressively growing believers who are strong because the Word of God abides in them. They know the truth and how to use it to resist Satan in the battle for their minds. They are no longer in bondage to uncontrollable habits, and they have resolved the personal and spiritual conflicts which keep many Christians from experiencing freedom in Christ. They are free, and they know how to stay free.
The third level is "fathers" (verses 13, 14), those who have developed a deep personal knowledge of God. Their faith is securely founded on a close, intimate, loving relationship with God which is the goal of our spiritual growth. What about your faith? Are you a "child," a "young man" or a "father"? Is it your daily goal to grow to maturity in your faith? Have you overcome the evil one?
Having challenged us to combat sin's power in our lives through a commitment to growth, John goes on to describe the avenues through which Satan tempts us: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. We will consider these avenues over the next few days.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please shake me good if I become stagnant , stale or static in my spiritual growth. I want to grow into Your image of me.


Confession, Source of Healing

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16
New International Version
To confess is to do two things with our sin: 1) to recognize sin for what it is in God's eyes and 2) to get rid of our secrets and be honest with another Christian. James' language is powerful. He mentions that this confession doesn't just bring forgiveness. It also brings healing.
Holy Father, I have sinned. I now confess my own personal sin of ____________. I ask for your forgiveness and for your Spirit to strengthen me in overcoming temptation. I want to live for you and not let my sin, any sin, entangle me and draw me away from you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

“In the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock”
(Psalm 27:5, NIV)
Have you ever watched children play hide and seek? They look for the best place to hide in the house or yard and wait quietly for their friend to try to find them. It’s a fun game for kids, but even as adults, we need a good place to hide from time to time. Sometimes we need a place of refuge, we need a place of safety, and we need a place to rest when we feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life — a place where the enemy of our soul can never find us.
The good news is that God has the perfect hiding place for you! You don’t have to hide in your job. You don’t have to hide in relationships. You don’t have to hide in food or addictions because God Himself promises to hide you! He freely offers you shelter from the storms of life any time you call upon His name.
Remember, there’s only one place the enemy cannot find you. There’s only one place where opposition cannot steal from you. There’s only one true place of safety and rest for your soul, and that is in the arms of Jesus. Know that He loves you, and He is ready to receive you when you call upon His name!
Father, today I come humbly before You giving You all that I am. Thank You for hiding me in Your shelter and keeping me safe from the storms of life. My soul finds rest in You as I seek You and praise Your holy name in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Saturday, May 26, 2012

A life free from Worries

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
New International Version
God wants to hear our prayers, but to keep them from becoming too self-focused, God wants us always to remember to give thanks. It is so easy for us to turn prayer into a request line. We are the ones who are left bereft when thanksgiving and praise are robbed from our prayers.
Gracious God, I have so many reasons to praise you. In the face of trial and hardship I have your promises to reawaken my hope. In the moment of victory I have you to thank for my abilities. In the boredom of the routine, I have great joys in your surprises. Thank you, God, for being so great and yet so loving. In Jesus name. Amen.
“And David said to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God — my God — will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD’ ”
(1 Chronicles 28:20, NKJV)
Is there something you’ve been believing for, something you’ve been hoping for that’s taking longer than you expected? You might be tempted to just accept things the way they are. You might be tempted to think it’s never going to happen. If that’s you today, be encouraged because God is a finisher! He will complete what He’s started in you!
Your part is to believe. Your part is to keep your eyes on Him. When you believe, you have the Creator of the universe fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, going before you, moving the wrong people out of the way. Don’t be intimidated by the size of a problem or the size of your dream! Don’t let circumstances convince you to stop believing. “Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, is still on the throne. One touch of God’s favor and you’ll go from barely getting by to having more than enough! Begin to thank Him and declare that God is at work. Declare that He is perfecting what concerns you. Declare that He will complete everything He’s started in your life!
Father God, I thank You for completing every good work that You have started in my life. I choose to believe Your Word, even when things look impossible. I choose to believe that You are working behind the scenes and that You will bring victory and breakthrough to every area of my life in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Friday, May 25, 2012


Reflection on Genesis45:4–8

Joseph’s brothers did not have a leg to stand on. They were guilty on all counts. They plotted to kill Joseph and then sold him as a slave. They cut him off from his family, ending his life as he envisioned it. There was no making up for it. There were no excuses. They were guilty. But they still had one hope: forgiveness.
Joseph forgave them, declaring one of the most profound theological truths of the Bible: God had been sovereign over the whole process. That perspective enabled Joseph to see God’s purposes and be free of bitterness.
When we are wronged, we need to look to see how God can bring good from it. He can and he will. Then we need to forgive and let God work out his purposes.

Forgive your brother from your heart
Forgiveness is agreeing to live with the consequences of another person's sin. Forgiveness is costly; we pay the price of the evil we forgive. Yet you're going to live with those consequences whether you want to or not; your only choice is whether you will do so in the bondage of bitterness or the freedom of forgiveness. That's how Jesus forgave you--He took the consequences of your sin upon Himself. All true forgiveness is substitutional, because no one really forgives without bearing the penalty of the other person's sin.
Why then do we forgive? Because Christ forgave us. God the Father "made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Where is the justice? The cross makes forgiveness legally and morally right: "For the death that He died, He died to sin, once for all" (Romans 6:10).
How do you forgive from the heart? First, you acknowledge the hurt and the hate. If your forgiveness doesn't visit the emotional core of your past, it will be incomplete. This is the great evangelical cover-up. Christians feel the pain of interpersonal offenses, but we won't acknowledge it. Let God bring the pain to the surface so He can deal with it. This is where the healing takes place.
Ask God to bring to your mind those you need to forgive. Make a list of all those who have offended you. Since God has forgiven them by His grace, you can forgive them too. For each person on your list, say: "Lord, I forgive (name) for (offenses) ." Keep praying about each individual until you are sure that all the remembered pain has been dealt with. Don't try to rationalize or explain the offender's behavior. Forgiveness deals with your pain, not another's behavior. Remember: Positive feelings will follow in time; freeing yourself from the past is the critical issue.
Prayer: Lord, I desire to be free from the hurt and the hate of offenses in my past. Today I move beyond desiring to forgive and asking Your help to forgive. Lord, I forgive _________ for ___________.


Most Desired Character

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
New International Version
Humility is not our culture's biggest asset or most desired character quality. But humility is what is demanded -- not so much because it's commanded (thought that would be enough), but because we've earned it. Every year brings another wave of major failures in morality, character, and spirituality. Rather than progressing culturally, we find ourselves slipping. Humility is earned! So let's be humble and call upon the Lord!
Holy and Almighty God, your deeds are awesome, your faithfulness is overwhelming, and your mercy and grace are such a blessing. Yet I come to you knowing that you hear me, despite the incredible distance between you and I, between your worth and holiness and my lack. I confess that I, and my culture and country around me have made a mess of what you so wonderfully blessed us with. I come humbly asking that you reassert yourself in our nation in clearly recognizable ways. I ask this in faith through Jesus. Amen.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”
(Romans 12:2, NKJV)
Living in victory means that sometimes you have to develop new habits. If you’ve been negative for a long time, you’ve got to re-train your thinking from “I can’t” to “I can;” from “It won’t happen” to “It will happen;” from “I’ll never get well” to “God is restoring health unto me;” from “I never get any good breaks” to “God’s favor surrounds me like a shield;” from “I’ve made too many mistakes. I’m all washed up” to “I’m redeemed and forgiven. My best days are still out in front of me.” It’s like reprogramming a computer. Sometimes you have to wipe off the old, outdated, dysfunctional software and load in something new.
If you’ve spent your days focused on how things won’t work, it’s time to focus on how things will work out! It doesn’t matter how bad it looks, how many people have told you no, or how long it’s been that way, God has the final say. It’s not over till God says it’s over. Shake off the self-pity. Shake off the disappointment. Let go of the old and choose to believe Him. Declare His promises over your life and see His blessing and victory as you align yourself with Him!
Father God, thank You for the transformation power in Your Word! Thank You for giving me hope for my future. I choose to trust You, I choose to believe Your word, and I choose to declare Your truth and watch victory unfold in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Second Chance

Reflection on Genesis44:33
Sometimes we get a second chance. When we do, it’s important to seize the opportunity. That’s what Judah did. When his brothers wanted to kill Joseph, Judah didn’t rescue Joseph but instead suggested that they sell him as a slave (see Genesis37:26–27). His second chance came when Benjamin’s life appeared to be in danger. This time Judah put his own life on the line to protect his half brother, Rachel’s other son. Perhaps this commitment was taken into account in the blessings that God inspired Jacob to give his sons; eventually the Messiah came through Judah’s descendants (see Genesis 49:10).
God often gives us second chances in life. When he does, we need to take advantage of the opportunity and set things right.

Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh
A careful distinction must be made concerning your relationship to the flesh as a Christian. There is a difference in Scripture between being in the flesh and walking according to the flesh. As a Christian, you are no longer in the flesh. That phrase describes people who are still spiritually dead (Romans 8:8), those who live independently of God. Everything they do, whether morally good or bad, is in the flesh.
You are not in the flesh; you are in Christ. You are no longer independent of God; you have declared your dependence upon Him by placing faith in Christ. But even though you are not in the flesh, you may still choose to walk according to the flesh (Romans 8:12, 13). You may still act independently of God by responding to the mind-set, patterns and habits ingrained in you by the world you lived in. Paul rebuked the immature Corinthian Christians as "fleshly" because of their expressions of jealousy, strife, division and misplaced identity (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). He listed the evidences of fleshly living in Galatians 5:19-21. Unbelievers can't help but live according to the flesh because they are totally in the flesh. But your old skipper is gone. You are no longer in the flesh and you no longer need to live according to its desires.
Getting rid of the old self was God's responsibility, but rendering the flesh and its deeds inoperative is our responsibility (Romans 8:12). God has changed your nature, but it's your responsibility to change your behavior by "putting to death the deeds of the body" (Romans 8:13). You will gain victory over the flesh by learning to condition your behavior after your new skipper, your new self which is infused with the nature of Christ, and learning to transform your old pattern for thinking and responding to your sin-trained flesh by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2).
Prayer: Lord, knowing that I am no longer controlled by sin is such a liberating concept. I can walk today in freedom from my old self, the world system, and the devil. Praise Your name!


"setting our jaw"

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12
New International Version
Sometimes the key to survival is simply "setting our jaw" and going on faithfully trusting that God is there helping us, despite the outward circumstances. Choosing joy through hope rather than despair, choosing patient endurance in times of affliction, and choosing faithfulness in prayer are all decisions of the will. We trust that God, who raised Jesus from the dead, can also change our circumstances because he hears our voice.
Create in me, O Mighty God, a resolute and steadfast heart so that I might persevere with joy no matter what the difficulty. This I ask through your faithful Son. Amen.

“But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, “ ‘Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well’ ”
(Luke 8:50, NKJV)
In Scripture a man came to Jesus and said, “My little daughter is very sick. She is close to death. Will You come to my home and pray for her?” Jesus agreed. But along the way He kept getting stopped, one interruption after another. Finally, word came back to Him saying, “No need to come. You’ve waited too late. The little girl has died.”
The people were upset and very distraught. But Jesus said to them in Luke 8:50 “Don’t be afraid. If you will only believe, the little girl will be well.” Notice the phrase, “Only believe.” Jesus went to the home, laid hands on the little girl, and she came back to life.
Are you facing a situation that seems impossible? In the natural, you don’t see how you can get well, or how you can overcome the addiction, or how your family can ever be restored? God is saying to you what He said to them, “If you will only believe, I will turn the situation around. If you only believe, breakthroughs are headed your way!”
Father, thank You for Your hand of victory upon my life. Thank You for making a way even when there seems to be no way. I choose to stand in faith. I choose to believe, knowing that You are ready, willing and able to cause me to overcome in this life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Faithfulness In The Face Of Tribulation

Reflection on Genesis40:4
 Joseph is one of the finest examples in the Bible of faithfulness in the face of tribulation. Wherever he was, Joseph lived for the glory of God. We are frequently told that the Lord was with him and gave him success. Joseph demonstrated that he could be trusted in a variety of settings, thereby showing himself dependable. He was faithful over small things, so God was able to set him over large things.
Most of our failures come with the small things. It rarely occurs to us that the challenge of the moment is to demonstrate ourselves faithful at that point. But if we persevere, then—and only then—will we be trusted with greater responsibilities and opportunities.

If by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Why do you still react as if your old skipper were still in control of your behavior? Because while you served under it, your old self trained and conditioned your actions, reactions, emotional responses, thought patterns, memories, and habits in a part of your brain called "the flesh." The flesh is that tendency within each person to operate independently of God and to center his interest on himself. An unsaved person functions totally in the flesh (Romans 8:7, 8), worshipping and serving the creature rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). Such persons "live for themselves" (2Corinthians 5:15), even though many of their activities may appear to be motivated by selflessness and concern for others.
When you were born again, your old self died and your new self came to life, and you were made a partaker of Christ's divine nature. But your flesh remains. You brought to your Christian commitment a fully conditioned mind-set and lifestyle developed apart from God and centered on yourself. Since you were born physically alive but spiritually dead, you had neither the presence of God nor the knowledge of God's ways. So you learned to live your life independently of God. It is this learned independence that makes the flesh hostile toward God.
During the years you spent separated from God, your worldly experiences thoroughly programmed your brain with thought patterns, memory traces, responses, and habits which are alien to God. So even though your old self is gone, your flesh remains in opposition to God as a preprogrammed propensity for sin, which is living independently of God.
Be aware that you no longer have to obey that preprogrammed bent to live independently of God. You are a child of God, and you are free to put to death those fleshly deeds and obey Christ.
Prayer: Lord, I make a fresh declaration of dependence on You for today. I renounce all my old tendencies to live independently of You.
