Monday, November 26, 2012

A Laughter and a Song

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.  Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
 --Psalm 95:1-2
New International Version

Joy knows no better explanation than laughter and song.  We sing to the Lord because we are joyful!  Our music is not inhibited or held back, but exuberant and as full of sound as it is of heart.  Thanksgiving brings us into the Father's presence and it is our joy at being saved that leads us to sing.

O most wonderful and glorious God, thank you so much for saving me from sin, death, law, and futility. Thank you for saving me and giving me the assurance, through your Holy Spirit, that I can come before you with exuberant and overflowing joy.  Your love and grace have not only given me hope but have made me your child.  Hear my heart and be blessed by my songs of praise.   Through Jesus I pray and because of Jesus I will shout your praise forever and ever.  Amen.
Heavy With Favor

Today's Scripture:
Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1, NKJV.

Today's Word:
Notice that today’s verse doesn’t say that the glory of the Lord is going to come on you one day. It doesn’t say, “Maybe when the economy gets better, when you graduate from college, or when you get that good break.” No, it says God’s glory is already on you!

The word “glory” in the original language indicates that God’s favor, blessing and splendor is on you in a heavy way. It’s something that is tangible and has weight. Think about it this way: You are not less than, intimidated or weak; you are heavy with God’s favor. You are dripping with God’s goodness. Your attitude should be, “There’s no telling what’s in my future! I am weighted down, not with burdens, not with problems. I am weighted down with the favor of God.”

When you really understand that you are heavy with favor, then it’s easy to be heavy with expectation. It’s easy to believe for big things when you know God has favored you in a big way. It’s time for you to arise. It’s time for you to shine. Let that sink down into your spirit today because it’s time for you to arise and shine because His glory, His favor is heavy upon you!

Prayer for Today:
Heavenly Father, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. I know that Your glory is upon me. I thank You for Your favor upon me, and I thank You for Your anointing power which breaks every yoke and moves me into freedom and blessing in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By: Joel Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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