Sunday, August 26, 2012

I will Tell you Unsearchable Things

This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it -- the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:2-3
New International Version
In a universe of billions of stars, think of the power of the God who made them and knows each of their names. Think of all he knows that we don't. Think of all he has seen that is not in a history book. Think of all he has done and can do. Add to this that he invites us to speak to him about the things of our heart.
Almighty God, there are so many things I am simply ignorant about. There are so many things in my world that I can't understand. There are so many things about you that I long to know but I can't begin to comprehend you. Please, dear Father, please give me more of you, and about you, that I may know you better. You are beyond me, so deal gently as you reveal yourself. I look with anticipation at the thought of knowing you, the Unsearchable, the Almighty, God, my Abba. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.
“Send your grain across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you.”
(Ecclesiastes 11:1, NLT)
God has a system that is based on the principle of sowing and reaping. In other words, what you pour out to others will come back to you in increased measure. When you give generously, a generous harvest will return to you. When you help others succeed, you will find abundant success on your path, too.
Are you helping others succeed? Are you helping others get ahead? There are some people in your life who hold the keys for you to reach your full potential. These are people that God has placed in your life for you to help along. The higher they rise up, the higher you will rise up, too. When you give generously of your time, talents and resources, you are setting yourself up for greater success. People will come across your path that will help you grow and reach your full potential.
Do your part to step out and sow the seed. Be on the lookout for ways you can help others. As you give of yourself to help others grow, you’ll see increase in return. You’ll see success and live the abundant life He has prepared for you.
Father in heaven, I open my whole heart You. I invite You to use me to be a blessing in the lives of others. Show me where to invest my time, talents and resources for Your glory. Thank You for the harvest that is coming back to me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Jayson Cabrera Gali
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