Monday, August 6, 2012

Head Over Every Power

In Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.
Colossians 2:9-10
New International Version
If you had known Jesus' address in Nazareth along about A.D. 20, you could have gone to that house and said, "God lives here!" The doctrine of Jesus as fully God and fully man, fully God and yet having emptied himself of all of his divine privilege, is nearly impossible to fully understand, but is the awesome reality of Grace. God chose to be like us because we could not be like him. So in Jesus, God came to us so we could be given his fullness.
Almighty God, I confess that you are too great for me to comprehend. Yet as marvelous and mighty and majestic as you are, your grace is greater still. Thank you for sending Jesus so I could know you. Thank you for sending Jesus so I could be forgiven. Thank you for sending Jesus so I can go home to you and live forever. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to redeem me and then returning to the Father so I can speak to him through you. Amen.

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”
(Mark 4:39, NKJV)
What do you do when the storms of life seem to be raging against you? One time Jesus was with His disciples in a boat out on the water when they encountered a great storm. The disciples were very afraid but Jesus, on the other hand, was fast asleep. When the disciples woke Him up to see if He could help them, Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm, “Peace! Be still.” And the seas were calm again.
When difficult times come, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by the waves of worry or fear. Just as Jesus stood up and spoke to the storm, you have power in your words, too. As a believer, the Bible tells us that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. That means God’s miracle-working power is on the inside of you. He’s given you His authority to declare peace over your home, over your mind, and over your family. Remember, no matter what storms may come against you, the Greater One lives on the inside of you, and He’ll empower you to live in victory in every area of your life!
Father in heaven, thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and for giving me Your authority here on earth. Today I declare peace over every area of my life and thank You for working things out for my good in Jesus’ name.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen


Jayson Cabrera Gali
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